54 Must-Visit Places in Japan As Recommended By Locals [PART 1]


8. Naruko Gorge (鳴子峡 – naruko-gyou) – A gorge with a depth of a hundred meters running for 2.5 kilometers. It is best known for its red, yellow and green foliage during autumn.

Photo credits: tsuiteru-happy-life


9. Mount Haguro Goju Pagoda (羽黒山五重塔 – hagurosan-gojuu-tou) – This pagoda, at 600 years old, is said to be the oldest in the Tohoku region. The trees around the pagoda known to be a thousand years old.

Photo credits: http://kumiko-phytoncide.c.blog.so-net.ne.jp


10. Kegon Falls (華厳の滝 – kegon-no-taki) – Kegon Falls is a 97 m drop and considered one of the 3 most famous waterfalls in Japan.

Photo credit: wikipedia

11. Edo Wonderland (江戸ワンダーランド) –  An alternative theme park that recreates the unique lifestyle and culture during the Edo Period. Ninjas and courtesan processions are among the highlights.

Photo credits: img.4travel.jp


12. Doai Station (土合駅) – This station is known as the Number 1 ‘Mole’ Station in Japan as you have to descend almost 500 steps for 10 minutes to get to the north-bound platform from the station gate.

Photo credits: www.asahi.com

13. Usui 3rd Bridge  (碓氷第三橋梁 “めがね橋”)- This bridge is also known as the “Megane Bridge”. At 91 m in length and 31 m in height, this is the largest brick arch bridge in Japan. Once a railway bridge, it was abandoned in 1963 and now serves as a pedestrian bridge.

Photo credit: zekkei-japan.jp
