54 Must-Visit Places in Japan As Recommended By Locals [PART 2]


35. Dangyou Falls (壇鏡の滝) – This waterfall is considered, the top 100 waterfalls of Japan and was also part of the selection of 100 unexplored places of Japan.

Photo credits: http://blog-imgs-34-origin.fc2.com


36. Tomonoura (鞆の浦) – This location, on the southern tip of the Numakuma Peninsula, was the model of the animation movie “Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea”. It is known for its scenic views of surrounding islands.

Photo credits: www2a.biglobe.ne.jp

37. Mount Misen (弥山) – This holy mountain is part of the World Heritage area of Itsukushima Shrine (also known as Miyajima). It is an important destination for pilgrims and stands at 535 m above sea level. From the summit, the Shikoku mountain range and Seto inland sea can be seen.

Photo credits: travel.biglobe.ne.jp


38. Akiyoshidai (秋吉台) – This Special Natural Monument is said to be have been submerged 300 million years, this park features the largest karst (limestone) landscape in Japan. The largest limestone cave in Japan can also be found here, amidst numerous other underground caves.

Photo credits: www.c-able.ne.jp
39. Tsunoshima Ohashi (角島大橋) – The “big bridge of Tsunoshima” is best known for its breathtaking views and is often used as a filming location for car advertisements.
Photo credits: tsunoshima.info

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